Solving for Sound with Solutions

Poor acoustics are a source of frustration, distraction, and dissatisfaction in the work environment. The way we work is evolving. Design trends will continue to change but the impact of those changes on acoustics is often not considered. When acoustic implications aren’t considered, these spaces are likely to be more distracting, less productive, underutilized, and unhealthy for workers.

Allsteel is invested in creating spaces that meet workspace needs on every level. We heard our clients’ desire for better acoustic solutions, and a simultaneous lack of clarity on how to achieve their goals.  As such, we began a journey to better understand acoustics and to provide better solutions to meet our clients’ needs.

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The Office is Changing

These changes have implications for acoustics. Consider how the differences in the following factors may change the perception of sound:

  • More open-plan workspaces
  • More employees per square foot of office space
  • Shorter desk partitions
  • Fewer private offices
  • Larger volume spaces with less sound absorption
  • Exposed building systems
  • Improved access to outside light (taller ceilings, more glass, shorter furniture systems)
  • Easier access to communication devices (cell phones)

Read the full blog by Allsteel here.